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Arizona's Best English Bulldogs |
I know that everyone has a local pet store close by, but here is a great website that we have used for years to buy all kinds of animal supplies: Check it out~!
Those of you who have called us, emailed us or visited our home have heard us talk about our pedigree and why we DO NOT BELIEVE OR CONDONE linebreeding or inbreeding. Recently while having a discussion with a new owner about an issue, I came across this in the article. While it was not what we were talking about, I found it interesting that a Dr. Vet was lamblasting this practice:
"Purebred dogs and bulldogs in particular are more susceptible to these things because they are so inbred. A specialty breed like the bulldog has been inbred for over a hundred years, and in the last twenty or so years the AKC encourages this inbreeding by awarding prizes to certain breed attributes. This inbreeding is such an issue in terms of general health of any purebred dog that is bred for looks rather than health." This is exactly why we breed for health and quality first and foremost. ~ABEBD Adopting a new EBD puppy? Do you have food, bowls, crates, bedding, toys and water? What you say about water? Yes. Take 2 empty 1 gallon jugs with you, if you can, and fill up with the water from where you get the puppy. Just like visiting foreign countries and you are told not to drink the water, the same applies for puppies also. Their digestive systems are very sensitive to change. You should start off feeding the same food that was being fed to the puppy. A respected/reputable breeder will educate you about what they feed, why and even offer you a bag “to-go” if you do not have the same food. Any changes in food should occur over a 1 week period of time. You gradually transition over to the new brand of food to prevent violent difference in digestion. The same applies with water. Start to mix the original water with the new water 4:1, 3:1, 2:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and then fully switch. This will also minimize changes in the digestion system.
This will only apply if you are actually picking up the puppy locally. If shipping is required, that is another BLOG post. We are always excited to get comments from the new owners of our puppies. We worry if the new puppy will fit in, do well in a new home and is the puppy the right one? We are pleased to share about Zorro, now and forever to be called ZEUS: "Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that Zorro is transitioning just fine! We can tell how smart he is because he KNOWS he is in a new home. We wanted to let you know the name we chose! He is now Zeus to us. Loyal and bold just like him! Thanks again for such a beautiful dog! He truly completes our family and our daughter LOVES him!"
"Zeus was the most important deitygod or goddess of ancient Greece, the leader of the gods and the all-powerful overseer of earthly events and human destiny" Gomo was recently adopted and traveled to Yuma to be a U.S. Marine’s personal mascot. The Bulldog has been the symbol for the Marines since 1922. Click here for more information on the history of the Marine Bulldog mascot. Shane traveled by P.O.V. for the 3 ½ hour ride to Yuma. Kyle reported that while they were traveling, Shane would step up to the dashboard (he was being held securely) and make a small bark noise. They pulled over to the side of the road and Shane did his business. Three times he did this on the trip. Each time he alerted Kyle and when they pulled over, he promptly did his business. Kyle remarked “I couldn’t believe how smart he was already and he did it three times on the trip”. Over the next few days Shane has adjusted to his new home and is reported to be “one of the best dogs ever and I will recommend you to my Marine buddies. Thank you!”
Biscuits and treats are a great way to train a new puppy. If done the RIGHT way. A food treat can be given for progress towards the desired behavior. Do not give a reward if the resulting behavior is not the desired end result. But BE SURE that you are not expecting TOO much all at once. You can only train in small steps and change happens one step at a time. The end result might take several small steps along the way for the desired “end result”. Having been involved in Arabian horses for over 20 years I have received lots of training, as did my horses by the professional trainer. The horse seemed to be learning faster than I was at times. The trainer had to “train” me to do the same as what the horse was trained to do, so that when I showed the horse in an amateur class, the horse still achieved the same results. i much prefered to hear; "good Barry, good Barry" rather than "no Barry, no Barry". Sometimes I was successful and other times I was not.
Another very affective technique is to give strong positive praise. LOTS of praise for the desired and correct response. All animals respond to positive praise and will try very hard to do the right thing for the positive praise. Oh yah, it works on kids also. Praise undeserved, is satire in disguise. Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English poet and satirist. We all love our animals and intend to give them the best possible life and nutrition an animal can have. This love can be deadly when it involves the kitchen table. Things that are commonly unknown about food can become toxic for dog’s body and shut down the dogs systems and make them severely sick. Some of those ingredients are gum, chocolate, raisins, grapes, olive oil and onions. Feeding table scraps and human food is not acceptable for the EBD. Not allowing your dog around the kitchen during meal preparation time and meal time will prevent Fido from finding scraps that have FALLEN on the floor….accidently or on purpose. The best place for any pet is safely and comfortably resting in their crate. You DO crate train…don’t you?
They SAY, you are what you eat....then I'm a pizza Traveling with a new puppy requires very safe driving routes and caution while driving. We have taken the puppies for a ride to the vet on two occasions, but they were in a travel crate and surrounded with sheets, towels and 6 other puppies. The first time a puppy travels they will be frightened. Handle them like a new born baby and wrap in a towel and cuddle tightly so they feel secure. The motion of the car movement will be unsettling to them at first. Take the most direct route home. After a few days of settling in at the new home, start taking short rides in the car. Take it easy around corners, bends and dips to prevent the puppy from getting car sick. Kids are bad, dogs are worse! You will find that after a few rides in the car, your puppy will start to settle down and relax. The safest travel is in a secured crate in the back of the INSIDE of the cab like a Suburban/Durango/Explorer type SUV (yes other brands are fine also!). Never let your EBD ride alone in the back of an open bed of a truck. They don't normally jump or fall out, but what if they did? Your investment is now road kill. The second alternative is to ride in the back seat of a passenger car, and put down sheets to add more grip for their feet and to save the upholstery. Never let you pet jump up over the seat. There are seatbelts that are designed for dogs, but only use the body harness type, BUT TAKE IT SLOW WHEN TRAINING. ALL TRAINING NEEDS TO BE DONE SLOWLY.
On the road again…just can’t wait to get on the road again… The "Wild Bunch" was born in early December. 7 puppies (4 boys and 3 girls) started off in just the small ounce range. Now that they are about 9 weeks old, here is the update:
ding....ding...ding....and in this corner weighing in at 15,0 lbs is TONTO. He did't start off being the biggest, but as of today he IS the biggest. This is a BIG BOY. this corner...ding...ding...ding.. is WILLOW? Wait, let me check the numbers again. Yes, the smallest girl of the entire bunch, starting off at only a mere 6.2 ounces, and now weighs 14.0 lbs. So the smallest is now second biggest. So the point is to never underestimate how much and how fast these EBD's can change. Good food and proper care are important during this early stage of development. If you have ever been around a English Bulldog then you know exactly what they are like. We have owned plenty of other dogs over the years, but never knew about EBD's. Our son wanted one and after two years of looking around and doing research, we got one. And as they say, the rest is history. We have fallen in love with the breed and now have several more. Once you visit and play with one of our puupies, you will see for yourself.
Arizonas BestThank you for visiting our website. We hope that you find a special puppy of your own. Archives
May 2020